Thursday, October 8, 2009

Wockhardt Hospitals Medical Breakthroughs :The 900 Miracle

For more medical Breakthroughs click here

Most hospitals wouldn’t operate on an infant who was only four months old and weighed 900grams. He was almost the size of a palm. His heart was just one-inch–long and had a one –centimetre fungal mass in the right chamber, which had infected his blood.

An open heart surgery was his only chance of survival, but was risky, considering his loss of weight. A risk that most hospitals were not willing to take. They wanted to wait till Jonathan gained more weight, which meant they needed more time. Time is what he did not have.

But the team at Wockhardt had belief. Belief in their skills and belief that they would save Jonathan's life. The six hour surgery was a success. Jonathan was reborn.

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