Monday, August 3, 2009

The The "Specialist Knowledge" Series on Clinical Specialties

The advent of new treatment modalities in medicine brings with it the opportunity to develop better clinical outcomes, while emphasizing a higher level of comfort and safety to our patients. You will, find in the pages of The Specialist, the acumen and expertise of our highly accomplished clinicalteams in Cardiology/Cardiac Surgery, Neurology/Neurosurgery, Orthopaedics, GI & Advanced Laparoscopic surgery besides Womens health.

‘The Specialist’ is a part of our Clinical Knowledge Series which we hope to share with with fellow doctors and medical fraternity on our latest clinical outcomes across various specialties.In this issue, we have some interesting case studies in all our core specialities mainly Heart care, Brain & Spine, Bone and joint and digestive care.

The Specialist Knowledge Series on Clinical Specialties Wockhardt Hospitals,Bangalore

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