Friday, August 21, 2009

International Medical Travelers Guide to Traveling Overseas for Treatements

If you are traveling abroad for medical reasons for the first time, here are certain pointers to overcome Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT).

Precautions to avoid DVT

  • Take short walks down the aisle on the plane.
  • Exercise the muscles of your lower legs, which act as a pump for the blood in the veins.
  • Wear loose fitting clothes.
  • Drink enough water.Avoid alcohol & other caffeinated drinks.
  • Avoid sleeping pills
  • Wear graduated compression stockings if you have other risk factors for DVT
  • If you have a history of DVT you may need heparin injections.
  • Seek urgent medical advice if you develop swelling or pain in your calf/thigh or encounter breathing problems

You are more likely to have DVT if you have...

  • A blood clot in a vein before
  • A family history of blood clots in veins
  • You have an inherited condition that makes your blood more likely to clot ( thrombophilia)
  • You have blood diseases
  • You have cancer, or have had cancer treatment
  • You have circulation problems or heart failure
  • You had recent surgery or an injury, especially to your hips or knees

General Tips and Instructions for Medical Travelers

  • Verify your overseas travel fitness with your doctor based on your current medical condition.
  • When you decide to continue your treatment abroad, keep your local doctor informed to ensure you continue your follow up treatment without a hitch.
  • While selecting the international hospital that's right for your needs, you should consider the hospital's accreditation, awards and recognitions, infrastructure and equipment etc.
  • Study the credentials and experience of the doctor who will treat you thoroughly
  • Educate yourself on the procedure and compare your expectations with what's achievable by the surgery. Also be clear about follow-up care needed, time required for recovery, physical therapy etc.
  • You should understand that in most cases the final decisions on your treatment will be made only after the doctor meets you and examines you in person. It is possible that your doctor, upon examining you, may decide that you are not fit for surgery, or may recommend a course of treatment different from what you had planned.
  • You must ensure that you always carry the necessary documents with you, in person. It is recommended that you carry copies of these documents, while storing the originals in a safe place.
  • Records like X-Rays, MRI's, health histories, photographs, immunization records, prescriptions and any other health records relevant to the surgery. Remember to carry all these medical reports and any medicines in your carry-on luggage.
  • Passport and visa: You will need a passport for yourself and your travel companion (if any). Depending upon the country you are traveling from, you may or may not need a visa.
  • Credit cards, debit cards and travelers checks: Bring some local currency, travelers checks and one or two major credit cards and debit cards.
  • Carry your driver's license and make sure it will remain valid while you're traveling.

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