Thursday, August 6, 2009

Breast Cancer in Indian Women Increases as Cervical Cancer cases dips

According to recent analysis of Cancer cases conducted across the 4 metros at Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai and Bangalore between 1982-2005 (24 years) by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) shows that while cervical cancer cases dipped, in some cases by almost 50%, breast cancer cases during the same duration has doubled. And, the trends contained in ICMR's yet-to-be-released report `Time Trends in Cancer Incidence Rates (1982-2005)', were universal in all four cities.

In 1982, Bangalore reported 32.4 new cases of cervical cancer in women per 100,000 population every year. The number dipped to 27.2 in 1991, 17 in 2001 and 18.2 in 2005.

At Delhi since 1988,there were 25.9 new cases of cervical cancer per 100,000 population, which dipped to 19.1 in 1998 and then to 18.9 in 2005.

The same story was repeated at Mumbai which recorded 17.9 new cases of cervical cancer per 100,000 population in 1982,which dropped to 12.7 new cases in 2005.

Chennai recorded a fall of almost 50% in cases of cervical cancer in this period of 24 years.

It was earlier believed that cervical cancer was most common in India, with more than 1.3 lakh new cases reported each year and 74,000 women dying annually from the disease.

While Bangalore saw breast cancer cases more than double since 1982 - 15.8 in a population of one lakh in 1982 to 32.2 in 2005 - Chennai recorded 33.5 new cases of breast cancer in 2005 against 18.4 in 1982.

Delhi recorded 24.8 new cases of breast cancer a year per 100,000 women which rose to 32.2 in 2005. Mumbai recorded 20.8 new cases of breast cancer per 100,000 population in 1982 which increased by almost 10% in 2005.

However experts believed that breast cancer rate in India was much less than that in the West which records around 100 new cases per 100,000 population every year.

To get yourself a preventive breast cancer check,please email us at


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