Thursday, July 2, 2009

Guidelines for Posting Comments at Our Blog

We welcome patients,users and caregivers to follow is in various social media websites including facebook/Myspace/Youtube/Ning/Healthchapter and Twitter.

You are welcome to comment us at our present official blog along with our wordpress blog

Our blog attempts to provide a platform for our patients,users,caregiversand healthcare community in general and to decimate and provide information about our Hospitals including clinical breakthroughs ,medical information and patient education .

While we welcome our users to comment at our blogs, we would request you to follow the below guidelines while commenting. By following these comment guidelines for our Blog and other social media platforms,you should be able to get your voice heard without any moderation.

1) Please Do no ask questions about individuals or comment about something that have already been addressed and our official position been clearly stated.In case you wish to inquire about something email us at

2)Our Blog's objective is to decimate information regarding our Clinical Specialties,Medical Breakthroughs ,Healthcare Guides ,Patient education series and to provide our healthcare community a platform to share ,create and syndicate information

3)People whose comments have already been posted once and their point of view heard, please remember to give others a chance.

4)Keep your comments brief,see if someone else has already asked the same question. Please desist from commenting something which others have already stated.

5)Anyone wishing to clarify anything about a specific patient or discuss any specific medical cases are welcome to meet us in person and follow our standard protocol for redressal.

6)There is ONLY ONE OFFICIAL spokesman for the Hospital. No other blogger represent Wockhardt Hospitals official view apart from our official Blog.

7)Finally while we will certainly agree to disagree,we expect a certain level of civility when two individuals talk.Please keep this in mind while commenting at our blog.We review comments before they’re posted, and those that are off-topic or personal allegation against an individual without checking facts generally won’t make the cut. We also expect a basic level of civility; disagreements are fine, but mutual respect is a must, and profanity or abusive language are out-of-bounds.

8) While we cannot answer to each and every post due to obvious limitations,You are welcome to send us your point of view or anything you would want us to know to

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