Tuesday, June 30, 2009

World's First Awake Cardiac Bypass and Valve Surgery in India

The Wockhardt Hospital Heart Care is the pioneer of the world's First Awake Bypass surgery .Dr Vivek Jawali,Chief Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgeon had performed this surgery first in 2005 and had set a benchmark by successfully performing an Awake Minimally Invasive Heart Valve Repair Surgery (AMIHVRS) on a 49-year-old woman .This surgery was conducted without using general anesthesia or ventilator support, while the patient was on a heart lung machine.

While the patient had multifaceted medical complications, including an aortic valve disorder. Her lung condition did not permit the use of a ventilator and she was at high risk for general anesthesia.

Though the patient had been advised aortic valve replacement surgery,The cardiac care team at Wockhardt had devised a surgical procedure to repair, rather than replace the aortic valve through a minimal incision, while using the technique of high thoracic epidural analgesia.

Read more about this Pioneering Awake Bypass Heart Surgery here

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