Friday, May 22, 2009

Ankylosing Spondylitis: Symptoms and Treatement

Rhematologist Dr Ramesh Jois, Wockhardt Hospitals,Bangalore explains Ankylosing Spondylitis:

Ankylosing Spondylitis is an inflammatory diseases predominantly affecting the spine and causing severe stiffness ,pain and loss of movement.this chronic diseases at a later stage can lead to fusion of the vetebral column resulting in virtual imobilty. Ankylosing Spondylitis can also affect your joints including hips and knees which can cause pain and swelling of the joints leading to permanent damage if treatement is not done at the right time.

Causes : Its believed that Ankylosing Spondylitis is genetically inherited .Those individuals with the gene HLA-B27 are at a higher risk group.However not everyone having the particular strain of gene will develop Ankylosing Spondylitis.

Symptoms : Some of the typical symptoms include Inflammation of spine and joint and pain in lower and mid back and buttocks.The pain is generally worse in the mornings and while resting which leads to disturbed sleep patterns.The pain gradually increases over time before worsening further.

Severely affected patients can develop complete fusion of the spine and the pain almost disappears ,but the spinal mobilty could be lost .This disease could affect the hips and knees resulting in permanent damage.Some patients develop problems other than spine,including eye inflammation ,skin rashes and diarrhoea.

Treatement Options

Physical examination,XRay,MRI findings and blood tests.More recently over the last few years,newer drugs including biological therapy/anti TNF therapy are available.

Ankylosing Spondylitis is approximately three times more common in men than in women.It is generally prevalent in the age group of 20-40 .In very rare cases children are also affected.

For scheduling an appointment please email us at

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