Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Wockhardt Hospitals Featured in " Economist "

Wockhardt Hospitals had been featured in the latest edition of "Economist " in a article titled "lessons from the frugal innovator". Writing about the Indian Healthcare's innovation and rapid success that it has seen over the last few years, particularly in " medical tourism", the Economist pays rich tributes to private Indian Healthcare Companies who have successfully managed to navigate adversity into opportunity.This is inspite of Indian Healthcare being largely unorganised apart from the few state of the art corporate hospitals that has reinvented Indian Healthcare delivery by providing the best of quality service standards at reasonable prices.

Featuring Doctor Vivek Jawali, in its story, the man who created a history by doing an Awake bypass surgery on a fully conscious patient without general anesthesia or ventilator, using the technique of continuous high thoracic epidural analgesia, The economist goes on to say that this is just one of many innovations in health care that have been devised in India.

"Its entrepreneurs are channeling the country’s rich technological and medical talent towards frugal approaches that have much to teach the rich world’s bloated health-care systems. Dr Jawali is feted today as a pioneer, but he remembers how Western colleagues ridiculed him for years for advocating his inventive “awake surgery”. He thinks that snub reflects an innate cultural advantage enjoyed by India.

Unlike the hidebound health systems of the rich world, he says, “in our country’s patient-centric health system you must innovate.” This does not mean adopting every fancy new piece of equipment. Over the years he has rejected surgical robots and “keyhole surgery” kit because the costs did not justify the benefits. Instead, he has looked for tools and techniques that spare resources and improve outcomes."

To read the complete story " Lessons from the frugal innovator".Please go here


  1. Hmmm...!!! good doing for all out there who are connected with you. Walk in Clinic is a good concept for all who actually didn't need or get appointment by doctor of unable to reach the family doctor.

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