Monday, March 30, 2009

Newer development in the treatment of urinary bladder cancer

Creation of Neo-urinary bladder: Newer development in the treatment of urinary bladder cancer:

Bladder cancer is one of the common cancer affecting our population. Surgical removal of the urinary bladder along with the cancer is offered as a preferred treatment option to those patients who are affected by more aggressive cancers. The urinary bladder serves as a reservoir for storage of urine, which is periodically emptied via the urethra ( the natural urine passage). Therefore after surgical removal of the bladder the surgical team has to reconstruct a passage for conveying the urine from the kidneys to outside the body.

In the neo bladder reconstruction the bladder is reconstructed using the intestine of the patient. The small intestine is reconfigured to make a spherical reservoir. This serves as a storage reservoir for the patient. The ureters, which convey urine from the kidneys to the urinary bladder, are then surgically attached to drain into the neo-urinary bladder. This reservoir is then attached to the urethra. This allows the patient to hold urine without the help of any external collecting device. When the patient desires to void, he is able to pass urine via the natural urine passage.

Before the advent of this procedure urinary reconstruction after radical cystectomy would require the patient to wear an external bag to collect the urine. The neo-urinary bladder procedure allows the patient to avoid the usage of any external device thereby not altering the body image or the life style of the patient.

Long term follow-up studies have shown that this procedure does not affect the cancer cure rate and the after mild adjustment in the life style the patient can continue with normal daily activity which he was used to.

This procedure is an advanced reconstructive procedure, which requires a highly skilled and coordinated team approach. Therefore such a major reconstructive procedure can be performed only at selected uro-oncological centers. With recent acquisition of technological advances this advanced procedures are being delivered in eastern India at Wockhardt Hospital & Kidney Institute, Kolkata. Wockhardt Hospital and Kidney Institute is the only dedicated centre for Urology & Nephrology in the eastern part of India.

For an Online appointment with our Kidney Specialtist in Kolkata please log on here

This article was written by

Dr Avishek Mukherjee
Consultant – Urologist
Wockhardt Hospital & Kidney Institute

24 Hour Helpline : 98310 96761
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