Friday, March 13, 2009

Customer Services That Raises The Bar !!

It is not everyday we get to hear real life examples of customer services from Institutions ,that manages to surprises us pleasantly. True Customer service is not led by individuals but are most often powered across the length and breadth of the Organization

Mr Ramanujam Sridhar CEO, of brand-comm, also the author of "One Land, One Billion Minds" writes about some exceptional customer services which he had experienced in recent times and Wockhardt Hospital features in this list of handful of companies.. In a recent article is Hindu Business Line,Mr Ramanujam writes about how some companies has managed to raise the bar when it comes to service standards. You can find the entire article here..

When it comes to Wockhardt Hospitals.. he narrates an incident which happened recently.

"On February 1, in the middle of the night, a shock awaited me. I got a frantic call around midnight that my mother was unwell. We rushed there, only to find that she was seriously ill. Her pulse was failing and one of us had the presence of mind to c all the emergency care of Wockhardt hospital on Bannerghatta road in Bangalore, close to where we stay. Even as my mother continued to struggle over the next half hour we sat around hoping against hope that she would be okay. The emergency unit arrived from the hospital in time with all the paraphernalia - ambulance, stretcher, life-support equipment, a team of five including the duty doctor. They tried to revive her, even as we kept watching and praying. Sadly, it was too late. They left saying that there was very little they could do and it was all over.

Amidst all the grief I still realized that they were providing a necessary service and had to be paid for it. I asked them how much I should pay and at first one of them said that I had to pay for the injection. Then he called the hospital and said there would be no charge for the emergency visit of the entire team. While my mother was a patient of the hospital and used its services regularly this was still something that any hospital would have been justified in charging for. Today, a month later, I am able to talk about this and with effort even write about it. But clearly there was an element of surprise in their handling of the situation. Given the reputation that some hospitals have of being more commercial than they ought to be, this sensitive handling of a tragic incident came like a breath of fresh air to someone who was in a state of shock. "

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