Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rheumatoid Arthritis : No Longer a Diseases of the Old

If you are a young urban professional spending more than 10 hours of your working away at climbing up the corporate ladder and also fighting to keep your job, you should know that all time which you think you are spending to make your life more meaningful might have different repercussion to your health.

Today various Work-related upper limb pain is becoming more and more common in Indian cities,specially the metros and among IT professionals.

The problem may be ascribed to a number of reasons such as bad sitting posture and the viewing of the computer screen from various awkward angles, not taking enough breaks from work,sedentary lifestyles, not paying attention to view the computer at the right anglesf and incorrect head and neck posture leads to upper limb pain frequently.

It begins with pain in the hands and the neck, and there is a high prevalence of such complaints in the IT city.

"Arthritis has long been ignored, as people do not think it is life threatening," says rheumatologist Ramesh Jois from Wockhardt Hospitals,Bangalore

"It is very important for the doctor to be able to diagnose the disease firstly and, secondly, get it treated immediately," says Jois.

However newer research has given people suffering from arthritis hope.

"There is great chance of getting the disease within control if early intervention is sought . This can prevent permanent disabilities," says Jois.

However what is increasingly becoming more and more apparent that the younger people too are slowly falling prey to Arthritis.There is a myth that only old people suffer from the disease.

"Anybody can suffer from Arthtritis, from the middle-aged to the very young," says Jois. "Westernised lifestyle, obesity, change in lifestyle, not leading a physically active life, using the computer for most of the time , without using the correct posture all lead to different types of this disease including Arthritis.

Patient interest groups are being formed that will be endorsed by the medical fraternity. "Arthritis is a chronic disease and people are in this for the long term," he says. "It is more important to know what people think."

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