Thursday, June 18, 2009

14 year Old Teenager from Uganda Gets a New Life at Wockhardt Hospitals

A 14 year old girl from Uganda who came to India with a dilating heart showing signs of heart failure has undergone a complicated open heart surgery at Wockhardt Hospitals. The cardiac team at Wockhardt Hospitals led by Dr. Vivek Jawali, Chief Cardio Thoracic Surgeon performed risky and complicated open heart procedure to replace the mitral valve, repair a leaking tricuspid valve and maze procedure to correct her abnormal heart rhythm.

Abigail Kanyonyozi was brought to Wockhardt Hospitals when she was on the brink of heart failure. Abigail was diagnosed to have a blood cancer called acute myeloid leukaemia in 2000 and Lynda’s saga of her fight for her daughter began. Abigail had undergone a prolonged and expensive treatment in South Africa for her blood cancer. This led Lynda (her mother) exhaust her all finances to bring Abigail back to normal life. After few years of fully recovering from her blood cancer Abigail was diagnosed with heart disease called dolurebecin cardio myopathy which dilates the heart resulting in cardiac failure.

Dr. Vivek Jawali, Chief Cardio Thoracic Surgeon, Wockhardt Hospitals said, “On further examination it was found that the child had a heavy heart and was suffering from rheumatic heart disease (a condition in which permanent damage to heart valves is caused by rheumatic fever), with severe leakage of her heart valves – mitral and tricuspid valve (a valve located between the right atrium and the right ventricle). The leakage had caused stretching of the heart and irregular heart rhythm called Atrial Fibrillation (AFib) which was primarily contributing to her heart failure. Her condition was very critical and immediate surgery was the only option to save the child.” Abigail had to undergo a complex and prolonged surgery which involved replacement of her mitral valve, repairing of tricuspid valves and a complicated maze operation to correct her heart rhythm.

The surgery was successfully performed and the heart was contracted to a great extent. Abigail was no longer suffering from breathlessness and body swelling and her heart was strongly beating. “The child can now live a robust life adds DR. Jawali”. Abigail was discharged from the hospital within a week’s time post her surgery.

Atrial fibrillation is a condition where the speed or rhythm of the heart beat is affected due to a disorder in the hearts electrical impulses. The heart may beat too fast or too slow or it may vary in pace as the hearts upper and lower chambers beat out of sequence.

About Doctor Vivek Jawali:Dr.Vivek Jawali is the pioneer of minimally invasive cardiac surgery in India. Dr Jawali performed India's first minimally invasive bypass surgery and also performed India's first awake bypass surgery on a fully conscious patient without general anesthesia or ventilator, using the technique of continuous high thoracic epidural analgesia.

Dr Jawali performed the world's first awake open heart surgery, which involved an aortic valve replacement with a triple bypass on a 74-year-old patient. He has many indexed publications and the world's highest experience on this procedure. Click here To know more about Dr Vivel Jawali and to schedule and appointment with him,or email us at to schedule and appointment with Dr Jawali

5 Kinds of Pains You Should Never Ignore

While covering the Iraq War as an embedded journalist ,NBC reporter David Bloom who was with the US Marines, began to feel a sudden pain behind his knee. He reportedly sought out medical advice by satellite phone, However he decided not to follow the advice which were on the lines of "Go to a doctor". However he popped a few aspirin, and kept right on going. Three days later, Bloom died of a pulmonary embolism caused by DVT( deep-vein thrombosis). He was only 39.

Most of us tend to take a pain very lightly unless it keeps on re-appearing and affects our life style or work. However according the Mens Health Magazine,their are a few kinds of pain which should never be taken lightly, and medical intervention should be sought immediately
Severe Back Pain

The condition: "If it's not related to exercise, sudden severe back pain can be the sign of an aneurysm," says Sigfried Kra, M.D., an associate professor at the Yale school of medicine. Particularly troubling is the abdominal aneurysm, a dangerous weakening of the aorta just above the kidneys.A less threatening possibility can be also of a kidney stone.

A CT scan using intravenous radiopaque dye does the best job of revealing the size and shape of an aneurysm. Once its dimensions are determined, it'll be treated with blood-pressure medication or surgery to implant a synthetic graft.

A pain in The Foot or Shine

A nagging pain in the top of your foot or the front of your shin that's worse when you exercise, but present even at rest and even ibuprofen and acetaminophen does not seem to be having a difference

These kinds of pain are probably a stress fracture. Bones, like all the other tissues in your body, are continually regenerating themselves. "But if you're training so hard that the bone doesn't get a chance to heal itself, a stress fracture can develop," explains Andrew Feldman, M.D., the team physician for the New York Rangers. Eventually, the bone can be permanently weakened.

Sharp Pain in the Abdomen:Since the area between your ribs and your hips is jam-packed with organs, the pain can be a symptom of either appendicitis, pancreatitis, or an inflamed gallbladder. In all three cases, the cause is the same: Something has blocked up the organ in question, resulting in a potentially fatal infection. Exploding organs can kill a guy. See a doctor before this happens.

Transient Chest Pain

The condition could be indigestion. Or it could be a heart attack. "Even if it's very short in duration, it can be a sign of something serious,

A blood clot may have lodged in a narrowed section of a coronary artery, completely cutting off the flow of blood to one section of your heart.

How much wait-and-see time do you have? Really, none. Fifty percent of deaths from heart attacks occur within 3 to 4 hours of the first symptoms. You're literally living on borrowed tim

Leg Pain with Swelling

Specifically, one of your calves is killing you. It's swollen and tender to the touch, and may even feel warm, as if it's being slow-roasted from the inside out.

Leg Pain with Swelling :if you sit in one place for 6 or more hours straight without taking a talk with taking time out,then you wait for the blood that pools in your lower legs to form a clot ( deep-vein thrombosis, or DVT). This would be big enough to block a vein in your calf, producing pain and swelling.

Unfortunately, the first thing you'll probably want to do—rub your leg—is also the worst thing. "It can send a big clot running up to your lung, where it can kill you," warns Doctors

Painful Urination :A painful Urination can be in the worst cases a sign of bladder cancer. specially for Men .According to Joseph A. Smith, M.D., chairman of the department of urologic surgery at Vanderbilt University, "The pain and the blood in your urine are symptoms of this, the fourth most common cancer in men."

Smoking is the biggest risk factor. Catch the disease early, and there's a 90 percent chance of fixing it. Bladder infections share the same symptoms.

disclaimer: This is a part of patient education series and may not represent Wockhardt Hospitals or their Doctors Views. These views are taken from MensHealth Magazine