Tuesday, May 26, 2009

5 Most Common Orthopedic Problems in Women

Women have always led physically active lives. Today, their unique musculoskeletal conditions are better understood than ever before, and the need for gender-specific woman's sports medicine and orthopedic programs grows every year. Injuries and other orthopedic conditions often present differently in women than they do in men. In addition, biologic and gender-specific issues account for a higher prevalence of certain orthopedic injuries and conditions in women.

Certain orthopedic conditions are commonly seen in pregnant women. This is a small synopsis of the conditions commonly seen and what you can do for treatment of these conditions.

  • Low Back Pain-It makes sense that low back pain is the most common orthopedic complaint during pregnancy. More than half of all pregnant women experience significant back pain during pregnancy. The extra weight of the baby and the awkward distribution of weight cause muscle fatigue and spasm in the back. While treatment can be difficult during pregnancy, problems seldom linger after delivery. Having a strong back before becoming pregnant can help your body prepare for the weight of the baby.

  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome:Carpal tunnel syndrome is a condition that compresses one of the important nerves in the wrist. Typically patients with carpal tunnel syndrome complain of pain, tingling and numbness in the fingers. Treatment can usually be accomplished with simple steps including night splints (it is a wrist band which is worn at night. While sleeping, people often hold their wrists in a position that allows the median nerve to become pinched. The night splint holds the nerve in a relaxed position).

  • Plantar fasciitis This is a condition that causes pain under the heel of the foot. Often referred to as a heel spur. Plantar fasciitis is often associated with rapid weight gain. During the later stages of pregnancy when women gain more weight, symptoms of plantar fasciitis may become bothersome.

  • Meralgia Paraesthetica:Meralgia paresthetica is an unusual condition in most people, but it is quite common during pregnancy. When the baby grows, he may press against a nerve that provides sensation over the outside of the thigh. Some people develop numbness over a patch of skin over the thigh as a result of this nerve compression.

  • Osteitis Pubis:Osteitis pubis is an inflammatory condition of the pelvis. The pelvic bones are joined in the front at the pubic symphysis. This joint can become inflamed in certain conditions, including pregnancy. Osteitis pubis usually improves with rest.

  • Transient Osteoporosis of the Hip-Another hip condition associated with late-term pregnancy is transient osteoporosis. This condition causes abnormal bone weakening of the ball of the ball-and-socket hip joint. Treatment may involve the use of crutches or a walker to relieve weight on the affected bone.
About Doctor Ashis Anand:Dr Ashis Anand is a highly qualified Orthopedic Surgeon at Wockhardt Hospitals Bangalore and is consultant, sports medicine and an orthopedic surgeon at Wockhardt Hospitals,Bangalore who has worked in India and US. His areas of interest include Arthroscopy and Joint Replacement (Hip, Knee and Shoulder). With more than 450 replacements (Primary and Revision). He has also excelled in Unicompartmental Knee Replacement which is done by very few centers in India.